
Les Rohingyas du Myanmar

Selon l'Organisation des Nations Unies, environ 10 à 20 % de la population mondiale, soit entre 600 millions et 1,2 milliard de personnes vivent dans une situation de minorité. Elles ont donc besoin de la mise en place de certaines mesures afin d'assurer la protection de leurs droits. Ces communautés font souvent face à de la discrimination, des injustices et de l'exclusion. Seulement en Asie du Sud-est, il est possible de compter plus de 350 minorités ethniques, dont les Rohingyas. Ce peuple peut prouver ses origines sur le territoire actuel du Myanmar, où demeurait auparavant une grande partie des 3.5 millions de Rohingyas dans le monde, jusqu'au quinzième siècle. Des milliers d'individus pratiquant l'islam sunnite (la branche la plus pratiquée de l'islam) ont alros migré vers le royaume d'Arakan (aujourd'hui l'état du Rakhine au Myanmar). D'autres sont arrivés pendant les dix-...

The Life of L.M. Montgomery

 Hello everyone, and welcome back! If you have been following my blog, you know that I love reading. Last time I wrote about one of my favourite British authors, Jane Austen, who published her novels during the first half of the nineteenth century. Today, I will write about my favourite Canadian author, L.M. Montgomery. She lived almost a century later and produced many great works, some of which might be familiar to you. Here is the source that I used for my research:     Lucy Maud Montgomery was born on November 30, 1874, in Clifton (now called New London) on Prince Edward Island. Her mother passed away when she was 21 months old. Shortly after, her father left her with her maternal grandparents in Cavendish, deciding to head east and eventually settling in Saskatchewan and remarrying.       Even if Montgomery lived only ...

The Life of Jane Austen

     Hi, everyone, and welcome back to my blog! If you read my last blog post, you already know that I love to read. The books I usually read are English literature classics, and my favourite authors lived during the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Today, I will write about one of my favourite authors, Jane Austen. By the end of this post, I hope you will be just as excited as I am about reading her novels. Here is the source that I used for my research:      Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775, in Steventon, a village in Hampshire, England. She was the seventh child and second daughter to Reverend George Austen, rector of Steventon and Cassandra Austen, née Leigh. Her only sister, Cassandra (who shared their mother's name), was her closest companion throughout her life.